Dear Colleague,
How easy can PowerCalc make electrical engineering? Today is another step towards easiest.
The text version of PowerCalc's User Manual has been "translated" into video step-by-step directions in 7 short takes:
05. Input the Branch Circuit Values
06. Set Up the Remaining Panels
07. One Line Diagram Demonstration
Pick the video you need to watch or check them all out. You're immediately an expert PowerCalc user.
As Ken Everett of Seattle says:
"I started using PowerCalc not long ago and I'm not very computer savvy. It is really amazing how simple PowerCalc is to use and how user friendly. I just got my first set of drawings back from the Seattle Building Department with zero corrections / was great. I would recommend PowerCalc to anyone."
We'll be reviewing these videos with you over the next few newsletters and welcome your thoughts/comments.
Webinars continue:
Last Thursday (3/8/2018) was our Deep Dive on Voltage Drop. See video.
And coming up:
3/15/2018: Deep Dive on Fault Current Calculation
3/22/2018: Deep Dive on AIC Ratings
3/29/2018: Roundup: PowerCalc, 1 Line, Voltage Drop, Fault Current and AIC
Register for webinars and join on one Thursday, several Thursdays or every Thursday. And you can always sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial that includes the 1 Line Diagram.