Dear Colleague,
Its Launch Day and we are proud to announce the 1st ever automatic, graphic and simultaneously generated 1 Line Diagram. You talked, we listened...and the result is the one and only real time 1 Line Diagram on the planet.
Our patented technology calculates all the values for the 1 Line Diagram with our 7+ million equations. And now, these electrical engineering values are also visual. PowerCalc makes electrical engineering design so easy!
We have a brief introduction for you.
We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but up until now, for electrical professionals seeing the 1 Line Diagram has not been possible until the end of the design process and after days, weeks and months spent designing. The 1 Line Diagram has been a one-off, after the fact exercise at the end of the project put together using a separate application.

What is the 1 Line Diagram? It is a graphic and simplified notation for representing a 3 phase power system required for permitting in commercial buildings. The values on the 1 Line Diagram evidence that the 3 phases of the electrical design are balanced.
In new construction, the entire power distribution system must be summarized with a 1 Line Diagram. And for renovation, PowerCalc's 1 Line Diagram also serves as the starting point to determine the renovation design's impact on the existing power distribution system.
Watch PowerCalc's technology in action on a school for the Broward County School System...the largest school system in the country. See the full length demo.