Dear Colleague,
Thanks to all for your positive response on our 1 LIne Diagram: the 1st ever automatic, graphic and simultaneously generated 1 Line Diagram. You talked, we listened...and the result is the one and only real time 1 Line Diagram on the planet.
Join our lunch and learn program every Thursday at noon EST through the end of March.
What's happened:
2/15/2018: Deep Dive on Real Time 1 Line Diagram See video
What's to come:
3/8/2018: Deep Dive on Voltage Drop
3/15/2018: Deep Dive on Fault Current Calculation
3/22/2018: Deep Dive on AIC Ratings
3/29/2018: Roundup: PowerCalc, 1 LIne, Voltage Drop, Fault Current and AIC
Sign up below, and find out why Ken Everett from Seattle says:
"I started using PowerCalc not long ago and I'm not very computer savvy. It is really amazing how simple PowerCalc is to use and how user friendly. I just got my first set of drawings back from the Seattle Building Department with zero corrections / was great. I would recommend PowerCalc to anyone."
Register for webinars and join on one Thursday, several Thursdays or every Thursday to see for yourself. And you can always sign up for a Free 30 Day Trial that includes the 1 Line Diagram.